This is a blog intended to keep family and friends posted about my progress as I undergo a stem cell transplant to fight my relapse of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Here's the plan so far...

I was off getting work things squared away when Scott took a phone call from the hospital. Here's the plan--until I call them back and get more specifics this will have to do. On Monday, I arrive at 11:30 to get checked in and prepped for surgery, and my lovely port will be re-inserted at approximately 1:00pm. I'm free to go after I get done in recovery, but have to present myself again on Tuesday to speak with a social worker. I can't imagine my head would be at all screwed up by this whole mess!!!! After meeting with the social worker, I speak with my oncologist, then it's off to the first infusion. I guess that takes about an hour, then I'm free to go again...go where, I'm not sure, because I have to admit myself to the hospital on Wednesday at noon for the next infusion of chemo. I guess that takes several hours and is pretty harsh, because the earliest I will be discharge will be Friday. I am not sure if that constitutes "1 round" of ICE, and I don't know how much recovery time I get before getting slammed again.

So, I haven't been at the new job long enough for FMLA to kick in, which would only give me 12 weeks unpaid leave anyway. When I get back from Omaha on this first trip, I will begin looking into Social Security Disability, since I pretty much know I should be approved for that. Also, I wisely took out long term disability coverage when I started this job, so that should kick in after 90 days off the job, assuming I did not have to be employed for a certain period of time before being able to use it. Keep your fingers crossed...the rest of my day is filled with getting pre-certified to be hospitalized and making any other plans I think of!

Regarding my tattoo--I am trying hard to get my appointment pushed up to Monday evening--after getting the port, but before any chemo. Not having much luck with that. The guy at the front desk that I spoke to said she's completely full. I left a message for her to call me back herself, so we will see if the "cancer card" can buy me some preferential treatment. I have given a lot of thought to postponing treatment, and, although I'm not 100% comfortable with how fast things are going, I will likely never be feeling great about doing any of this! I would never forgive myself if my chance for remission (dare we say, "cure") is compromised because I selfishly decided to get a tattoo instead of chemo. Know what I mean? It sucks, but I will EVENTUALLY get that tattoo!!! You can all count on that!!

To quote my friend, Mary, "I don't recommend getting cancer. And I highly recommend not getting cancer a second time." At the very least, it's a MAJOR inconvenience!!! You'll know more when I know more. Love you guys, and love all the comments I've gotten from all of you! Now some of my Hodge friends will "meet" my family (mom and sister, Crystal, who have posted comments), friends, and my best friend of 25 years (Nik).


Veronica said...

OK - my awe of you continues to grow. You're having to organise so much before much to think about! I'm glad you've got so much love and friendship close at hand - we're here for you on the forum but it's the REAL hugs and practical help you'll need just now......BUT if virtual trans-Atlantic hugs are any've got plenty of those too......I'm proud to 'know' you, Skye...........xx

laulausmamma said...

Hi Skye - it will be an honor to "meet" your huggable family. Gosh - it's all happening so quickly - but it sounds to me like you are handling things and being in control of what you "can" have control over.

Will you be traveling back and forth to Omaha each day next week or is there a "lodge" or someplace to stay so you don't have so many miles/hours to drive back and forth? I can't imagine a 3 l/2 hr car ride after getting your treatment.

Anonymous said...

Finally got on to add my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for creating your blog to keep us all informed. I know it gets old, telling the same thing over and over.
But we all want to know that your'e doing ok and know that you have lots of prayers and encouragement behind you.
Good luck this week. God's strength and blessings to you and your family