This is a blog intended to keep family and friends posted about my progress as I undergo a stem cell transplant to fight my relapse of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Days -6 and -5

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I was admitted to the hospital right on schedule yesterday, and received my first dose of chemo last night. Pretty uneventful--no side effects yet. I don't anticipate too much for side effects until sometime after the stem cell infusion. I've been told the reason for that is just because they hit you with so much chemo in such a short period of time, it's almost like my body does not react to it much until it's all over! Weird, but the side effects show up mostly once my immune system dies off, which should be approximately on day +3.

For the next four days (including this morning right at 4am), I will get two doses of chemo, at 4am and 4pm. My last day of chemo (hopefully FOREVER!!!!) will be on Tuesday, with my "re-birth day" happening next Wednesday. Then it's all downhill~and uphill~ from there!

Just wanted to give an update to my mailing address here at the hospital. I would like to believe things should get to me even with the other address, but here's a specific one:

Skie Peltier-Anderson
Patient Mail
Room Number 7453
P.O. Box 6159
Omaha, NE 68106-0159

Best guess is that I will be at this address for about 3 weeks--they estimate in-patient hospitalization for 10-14 days after the reinfusion (next Wednesday!)--barring any complications such as infections.

Love to you all, and I hope you are all doing well! For those of you who are having a hard time posting messages here, I'm going to try changing some of my settings which will hopefully make posting easier. Please don't give up trying~~~being here by myself for a major portion of my time in the hospital, you have no idea how much even quick messages mean to me!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie! I am thinking of you today and always!!!

You are doing great keeping all of us informed, and it helps us knowing you are doing alright.

McKenna Skye has changed her name to Kenna Orange and Blue, so for now your namesake isn't your namesake.. but I am sure it will go back to her real name sometime... I hope so!
Your Godson in drooling all over the place, and he today is wearing a Huskers outfit you gave him. He threw up when I put the packers shirt on him, so he hasn't worn that since. Ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Skye, The boys are taken a nap right now, and so is Scott. keep your head up and keep on smiling ok. I know it's hard and I wish I could do something to make it better for you. If you think of anything that we can get you just let me know and I'll try and get it before Scott goes up next weekend. Love ya Mom

Veronica said...

Hey Skye - I've left a comment on the forum and have not much else to add, but I do know that the boredom factor was the worst for Wullie at the start - there you are, in hospital, and you feel FINE - stupid bloody treatment! Just keep ticking off the days and natter to the nurses and use the forum as much as you need. Can you take calls in the hospital - if you can, I could fill a boring few minutes by rambling inanely (sp?) - I'm getting good at that, apparently!

Take care, Skye - this will pass and before you know it you'll be back on top form - much love, respect and admiration...........xx

Anonymous said...

Hey bib sis! We are all so happy that you area still doing so well. Try to stay positive. The ladies at the credit union are praying for you as well, so chances are God is listening to at least one of us! Keep hanging in there. Douglas plays soccer tomorrow, so maybe we can get some game footage together for you. Know that you are in all of our thoughts.
Crystal, Kevin, Douglas, & Claire

Anonymous said...

//hghhgjmllyedsb hg



Anonymous said...

i hope u r feeling better


laulausmamma said...

Hi Skye...I still feel so badly that I wasn't able to follow through with sending out your package before you started your SCT...but our week-longtrip to Florida got in the way. I promise to get it together this weekend. Check out the on-line game sites...I'd love to play with you. I think of you often and wish I could keep u company in person. Now get up and go for a walk : }

Anonymous said...

Hey Skye! I wish I could come visit you, but I'm still sick! I just can't seem to get rid of this cold. Just know that I'm praying for you and Scott and the boys!

Veronica said...

Good morning, Skye - I was just logging off the forum when I saw you had posted so you must be awake - hope your day isn't too dull (but not too eventful, either ;o).........just think you're on day -4 already!

We're with you every step of the day (meant to say 'way', but day goes quite well!).........take care.....xx