This is a blog intended to keep family and friends posted about my progress as I undergo a stem cell transplant to fight my relapse of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 0!!!!! Happy ReBirthday to me!!!!

Okay, so I've been slacking again on my updating duties. There really hasn't been too much to report on--mostly more of the same. I did get a good night of sleep last night, with the help of Tylenol PM and Ativan--with another Ativan kicker at 4am! The new pillow has helped somewhat, but the bed is still greatly uncomfortable (no egg-crate foam yet)

Anyway, I am happy to say I have been "reborn"! My two little bags of stem cells were reinfused into me around 10am this morning, effectively giving me a new immune system to build. Lots and lots of sleeping today, and not much desire to eat, but I am gently coaxing myself into eating. No mouth sores yet (and hopefully I'm doing a good job keeping them away), I haven't vomitted (although I'm not sure if that could still be a possibility!), and no fevers. However, I think it is pretty common to have fevers and need blood products as your stem cells fight to engraft themselves into your body. That's my understanding of it, anyway.

Alright, time to try making myself eat something! You'll know more when I know more!!!


LaDonna said...

Happpy, Happy Rebirthday!
We are soooo excited for you today!
Take care of those new little critters. We are praying for your stem cells...(is that sacrilege????)
Anyway...all the blessings and luck of the world are comin' your way.
If love and prayers can do it for ya.....its a done deal!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Happy Birthday to you! You are doing wonderful. We all wish you the best of luck with the stem cells. We will watch for further updates. LOve Carrie

Duane said...

Congratulations. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

hi skye, it just me, dad. ive been reading the blog and i am pickeled tink to hear things are going well. most of my "little old ladies" ask about you every time they call. one of them ,a retired nun age 89told me she was going in for bypass surgery next monday.she tells me she thinks its a waste of time as she has had a long and fruitfull life. however she told me if all does not go welland she goes to see god she will put a good word in for you. she says if a retired nun cant ask a favor of god who can? i personally am very touched by all the support and prayers from my clients. the all have read your blog, as i happen to cary a copy with me, and they all tell me i must be proud of your strength in this time of adversity. they have no idea how proud of you i am, not just now but everything you have accomplished with your life thus far. i hope to have many more things to brag about in the future so keep up the good fight, and KICK SOME CANCER BUTT. if we are all real lucky you will scare cancer so bad it will leave the rest of us alone. love you lots and a big hug. as allways daddy

laulausmamma said...

HAPPY REBIRTHDAY Skye...Hope you continue to move forward in the SCT process with out the mouth sores, fevers and overall crappy feeling. Got my fingers crossed for you. Keep up your positive attitude...I'm so proud of you.


Anonymous said...

Happy ReBirthday!!!
I am so happy for you, and I am thrilled that everything is going so smoothly as well. Take care of your new immune system, and know that we all love you and are thinking about you! Get some rest!
Love you babe!

Anonymous said...

Skye, Keep up the good work. I know that you have some hard days ahead of you but just rememeber that the boys are thinking of you, and can't wait for you to come home. I sing to them every night so when you get home I bet you will have to hear them all. They have been very good for me, and try to help around the house. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you always and love and miss you. Take care and I hope to see you soon. Love always Mom and the boys

To all of Skye's friends and family A big Thank you for thinking of Skye and Keeping her in your prays. So Skye keep your head up and this will be done soon and you will be back home.


Anonymous said...

Happy ReBirthday Skye!!

I really hope they washed all the green and yellow out of you and infused you with any other color combination. It really doesn't matter just not green and yellow. The only thing good about green and yellow is that for once they are winning and I don't have to hide from Crystal on Sundays. It gets pretty vocal when they lose.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Hello Skye! I hope you get my package soon. My mom dropped off a little something I put together for you to stay busy when you are bored! It is great news that things are on target and moving forward. I will remember to have a toast to you Friday. Next time you will be able to make your own toast! Let me know what day you want me to come next week. Take care of yourself, hugs and kisses, Steff

bette said...

Happy ReBirthday!!!

Glad everything is going so good, just remember to eat something, to keep those new stem cells doing their job. You can do it, and soon you will be back home with your family. Take care and see you soon.

LaDonna said...

Its day 3. Hope those little guys are digging in and taking care of your immune system. Feed them well, if you can. Beautiful fall day today. Hope you can look out and see it.
Keep up the great work you are doing. You are so strong and brave. Those stem cells are lucky to have you as their host!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all went well. I hope you are feeling OK and things are progressing as you expected. I am thinking of you and hoping that your hospital stay goes by very quickly!!

Keep us posted!!! Our prayers to you.

Anonymous said...

The last message was from your non-techy friend Tawnya!!!!

Veronica said...

Hey Skye - hope your cells are multiplying quickly and you're not suffering too much - thinking of you ...........xx

Anonymous said...

I finally got a few minutes to write a little something. I have had kids here from about 5am to between 9:30 and ll:30pm all the time lately, so don't have much time to sit at the computer. I have Gene cooking burgers on the grill and the kids watching a movie so I can do my end of month bookwork, so am sneaking in a few minutes. (don't tell anyone)
We are thinking of you always and hope it is going better than you could even have hoped for. Eat well, build up your immune system, and stay strong. We know you can do it if anyone can. If will, attitude, and faith have anything to do with have it made! May God be with you and grant you a speedy and bountiful "rebirth".

Wullie said...

Hi Skye,
Welcome to the club!
I hope and pray that things are going smoothly for you and that you get home as soon as possible to see those boys of yours. I could take all the physical pain but being away from the kiddies was the hardest.
Just try and keep eating and walking and do as much mouth care as you can.

Thinking of you loads right now,
